First-Time Visitors
Considering a visit to Trinity?
It is our pleasure and privilege to warmly welcome you into our community as an honored guest. Our desire is for you to connect with others and to encounter the living God through inspiring worship. We meet for worship every Sunday at 8 and 10 am. There is Sunday school for all ages beginning at 9:00 am. Please join us following the 10 am worship service for fellowship and refreshments in Trinity Hall. The church is located at the corner of South Mobile Street and Fig Avenue, across from the bay, approximately one mile south of the Fairhope Pier.

What is the worship service like?
Our worship is primarily traditional but it is God, not style, that is our object. Our worship seeks to be vibrantly aware and responsive to God’s presence. We sing old and new songs. We draw on current expressions of faith, as well as ancient prayers and creeds. No matter your age or background, our worship aims to build unity among all worshipers.

What to wear?
You may wear whatever you like. You will find some men wearing jackets and ties, but many prefer to dress more casually, wearing khakis and sports shirts. Ladies are often dressy-casual. We believe God is much more concerned with our hearts than our outward appearance.

What do I have to do?
Just come as you are. You will never be forced to do anything at Trinity. You will never be singled out or called upon during your visit. We encourage our guests to pick up a welcome bag that contains a special gift and information about the church.

What about my children?
We invite all children to participate in our worship. At the 10 am service, we have a message just for the kids, after which children 3 years old through 2nd grade may be dismissed to children’s church for fun and learning (or they can stay in worship with you).
You may also choose to drop your younger children off at our clean, safe nursery before the service starts. The nursery is located in the Christian Education building which is next to the Sanctuary. Please feel comfortable doing what best meets the needs of your family.